
John Onderdonk on Decarbonizing Caltech’s Entire Campus

John Onderdonk

Caltech, which has long been at the forefront of science & innovation, has been investing for years in its campus’ sustainability. VX News spoke with John Onderdonk, working out of the Linde Center for Global Environmental Science, on his role as Caltech’s Assistant Vice President of Facilities Operations and Services at the campus and the many efforts underway to modernize their grid and prepare for the future realities of climate change. In the interview, Onderdonk speaks of the challenges of meeting the demands of a “small city” (Caltech) and the challenge of, literally, building the airplane while you’re flying it.

Assembly Transportation Chair Laura Friedman and CTC's Hilary Norton on Challenges of Decarbonizing Transportation in California

Hilary Norton

Tthe two leaders highlight  the opportunities—whether through policy or budget decisions—to incentivize mode shift, active transportation choices, and zero-emissions mobility. 

Long Beach Mayor Richardson/ POLB Chair Weissman on State of the Port’s Nexus to the Success of “Opportunity Beach”


VX News excerpts Mayor Richardson and President Weissman's remarks highlighting the nexus between zero-emissions infrastructure investments at the port and the success of the City of Long Beach's 'Opportunity Beach' agenda. 

SCAG President Rex Richardson on Equitable Planning for Regional Sustainability

In September 2020, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) adopted Connect SoCal—the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy that envisions how the region will plan for and balance future mobility and housing needs with economic, environmental and public health goals over the next 25 years.

LA Metro’s Moving Beyond Sustainability Plan—Heather Repenning

VX News marks US Infrastructure Week and kicks off Earth Month with this interview with LA Metro's Heather Repenning, executive officer of Metro’s Department of Environmental Compliance and Sustainability, to offer her a platform to share her important work at the LA County transit agency.

Nancy Sutley: What Does Building Back Better Mean For Climate & Clean Energy?

Nancy Sutley

Just weeks ahead of the 2020 general election, Nancy Sutley shares her insights into crafting federal sustainability practice and her outlook on what a potential Biden administration might do on Day 1 to prioritize climate and clean energy.

Santa Monica Meets the 'Living Building Challenge' By Designing the Greenest Municipal Building in the World

Amber Richane

Amber Richane, Project Manager for the City of Santa Monica's new City Services Building, on the city's commitment to building the world's most sustainable public building.

CA OPR Director Kate Gordon on Managing State Plans for Utilities, Wildfires, Housing & Transportation Planning


Gov. Newsom's Director of the Office of Planning & Research, Kate Gordon, spoke recently to an AIA-LA luncheon audience to present her office’s extensive responsibilities and initiatives addressing resilience of sustainability.

Mayor Garcetti Intro of Al Gore’s Milken Global Conference Sustainability Revolution Remarks

Mayor Eric Garcetti

At the Milken Global Conference 2018, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti introduced former Vice President Al Gore to present on “The Sustainability Revolution: Seizing the Investment Opportunity of Our Generation.”