VX2016: California Resets Climate Change Policy (SB 350) - Leadership Assesses State and Global Market Implementation

Jim KellySenior Vice President (retired), Southern California Edison

Robert WeisenmillerChair, California Energy Commission
Steve Berberich, President and CEO, California ISO
Mary NicholsChair, CARB

Kazuo Furukawa, Chair, NEDO

SB 350 was undoubtedly historic. In simple terms, it mandated an increase in California’s RPS from 33% in 2020 to 50% by the end of 2030. It also set an objective to “double the energy efficiency savings in electricity and natural gas final end uses of retail customers through energy efficiency and conservation.”  Finally, it set in place a framework to allow the CaISO to move toward a multi-state, regional organization. SB350 has most certainly not been without controversy. Many have hailed it as the most significant state energy policy pronouncement in years - a milestone that will lead other states (and perhaps other countries) to finally begin the long path toward a new environmental sensibility. Others have argued that the negative consequences for California will be dire: Higher electric rates. Higher prices for good and services. Blackouts. The loss of thousands of jobs. And on and on… Now the leaders on this panel face the real challenge: Implementing this historic change in the course of our state with fairness, common sense, and resolve. 


California Resets Climate Change Policy