Gordon Johnson has responsibility for all of Metropolitan’s engineering activities, including management of the long-term Capital Investment Plan. He oversees a staff of 380 employees responsible for facility planning, design, construction management, project management, environmental planning, and infrastructure monitoring. Some of the current programs Johnson is responsible for include the major rehabilitation of Metropolitan’s 75-year old Colorado River Aqueduct; the addition of ozone as the primary disinfectant at Metropolitan’s five water treatment plants; rehabilitation of 100 miles of large diameter prestressed concrete cylinder pipelines within the water distribution system; and a comprehensive seismic assessment and upgrade program to maintain reliable water deliveries in the event of a significant earthquake. Prior to joining Metropolitan, Johnson served as principal engineer and project manager for two major consulting firms. In addition, he served with the United States Public Health Service. Johnson is affiliated with the American Water Works Association and the International Ozone Association, and is a Board Certified Environmental Engineer by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. He is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and of Stanford University with a M.S. in Environmental Engineering.