William Funderburk, Partner, Castellón and Funderburk LLP; Vice President, LADWP Board of Commissioners
Varouj Abkian, Assistant Director, City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation
Tommy Moala, Assistant General Manager, SFPUC
Marty Adams, Water Systems Manager, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Jun Ichi Aoki, Deputy Vice President, Hitachi, LTD
Water has become an increasingly important issue in parts of the United States and in many areas of the world, as many users compete for limited supplies. The market is responding accordingly, as water technologies are the fastest growing clean technology sector, taking over solar power this year. Municipalities around the world are beginning to adopt water technologies to make more efficient use of freshwater, grey water, and wastewater. How does these new technologies work, and are they efficient? Where is there room for innovation in water technologies? What limitations and opportunities exist for municipal policy makers to adopt these new technologies? This panel will discuss these topics, among others.