Jim Kelly, Former Senior Vice President, Southern California Edison
Lin Midkiff, The Aerospace Corporation
Katherine Perez-Estolano, Board Member, California High-Speed Rail Authority
Gabe Klein, Special Venture Partner, Fontinalis Partners
Dr. Catherine Burke, Emerita Associate Professor, USC Price School
The notion of small, automated transportation networks in the built urban infrastructure is not a new one. They have long been seen as a potential answer to the first-mile and last-mile impediments to rapid transit adoption in places like LA. If realized, they may free up vast amounts of valuable land now used for parking, significantly reduce emissions, cut traffic congestion, eliminate many accidents and the injuries and deaths that sometimes go with them, and dramatically improve mobility and access for the elderly and handicapped. It all sounds so good, yet little has really been accomplished since the idea arose. Why have ATNs not seem broad adoption in the urban infrastructure? How has the technology and thinking around ATNs progressed? Are we ready now to move forward – and, if so, how? If not, what will it take to get there?