George Minter, Director of Policy and Environment, Southern California Gas Company
Stephen Jones, Managing Director, ITM Power Inc.
Snuller Price, Principal, Energy and Environmental Economics
Julia Levin, Executive Director, Bioenergy Association of California
The US is awash in low priced natural gas supply -- with a long term horizon. Nationally, natural gas utilization is cleaning the air and addressing climate change by displacing coal for electric generation in the Midwest, fuel oil for heating in the Northeast; and it’s fostering a manufacturing renaissance in the Southeast. But California is headed in a different direction. California has been looking to eliminate the use of natural gas. Environmental regulators have perceived natural gas as a dirty fossil fuel that needs to be phased out. “We've got to reduce, systematically, increasingly, the use of fossil fuel: That's oil, that's coal and, ultimately, that's natural gas.” (Governor Jerry Brown, March 31, 2014) Stakeholders are beginning to counter this vision with an approach to “Decarbonize the Pipeline” – developing low to zero carbon gas supplies – first utilizing biological resources – wastewater, landfills, agricultural waste, dairies, woodland waste; and then developing new Power to Gas technology – currently being rolled out in the EU nations as a way to deploy excess renewable power from the electric grid to produce hydrogen and synthetic methane for storage and later delivery through the gas grid.