VX2022:California Policy's Impact on Gas' Place in Future Fuel Mix

Moderator: Siva GundaVice Chair, California Energy Commission

N. Jonathan Peress, SoCalGas
Tanya Peacock, Sr. Director of Government Affairs & Policy, Bloom Energy
Janice Lin, Executive Director, Green Hydrogen Coalition

California’s electricity system has all but eliminated coal and has seen renewables start to be the dominant supply-side resource. As policymaker's consider the role that natural gas system will play in transitioning the electric grid, with the state’s goal for economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2045, what is the vision for the gas grid in 2045.  Panelists will consider the biggest barriers to achieving this vision and how will business models, service offerings, and policy incentives need to adapt.


VX2022: California's Policy Impact on Gas' Place in Future Fuel Mix