Spring 2020

CARB Chair Mary Nichols on Pandemic's Confirmation of the Value of Clear Air

Mary Nichols

With Shelter-in-Place the law statewide in response to the Coronavirus and California’s economy all but shuttered, major highways have been emptied and California’s air quality has never been betterVXNews, to better appreciate the significance of the aforementioned and to honor Earth Day 50, spoke with Mary Nichols, Chair of the California Air Resources Board (CARB), on the effects & long-time implications of the transition to remote work on air quality.

US Congressional Coalition Urges Support for Small Farms & Local Food Producers 

Rep. Earl Blumenauer

For the US agriculture industry, the coronavirus has both revealed the fragility of food systems and the impacts of prioritizing agricultural commodities over local food sourcing and supply diversification.

Jim Kelly on Centralized Utilities' Pandemic Challenges & Quest for Resilience

Jim Kelly

As California again begins to prepare for another wildfire season and climate change’s new normal - this time possibly spent adhering to social distancing and shelter-in-place mandates, VXNews interviewed S&C Electric's Jim Kelly to better appreciate the impacts that the coronavirus pandemic is having on centralized utilities.