VX2022 Program

 15th Annual VerdeXchange VX2022 Marketmakers' Conference 
June 19-22, 2022, at the Omni Hotel in DTLA

VX2022: Where Clean & Green Tech Marketmakers Meet to Optimize Opportunities for Truly Transformational Climate Infrastructure Investments

For 15 years VerdeXchange has gathered accomplished clean, green, and blue tech entrepreneurs, energy & water companies, advanced vehicle manufacturers, software & hardware developers, public policymakers as well as: procurers, innovative financiers, and environmental stewards "under-one-roof"  to assess what's in-market, about to be in-market, and what's needed in market to propel the global, multi-trillion dollar verde economy. 

 June 19-22, 2022

Join global market leaders at VerdeXchange VX2022 June 19-22 at the Omni Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles, to examine how cities, states, and regions, in collaboration with public and private partners and community stakeholders, should and will leverage the $1.1 trillion in US infrastructure funding now flowing to localities, after decades of neglect, to optimize economic recovery, maximize transformational climate infrastructure investments, and accelerate growth of the global clean energy economy. 


VX 2022 Day 1: Monday, June 20, 2022


7:00 AM

Registration and Breakfast.


7:45 AM

VX2022 Welcome

David Abel, Chairman, VerdeXchange
Bill Allen, CEO, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation


8:15 AM

Morning Plenary 

Committing to Equitable & Sustainable Infrastructure Investments That Meet the Climate Imperative

Moderator: Logan Goldie-Scot, Head of Clean Power Research, Bloomberg NEF

Mark Pestrella, Director, Los Angeles County Public Works
Christine Harada,  Executive Director, Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council
Harout Chitilian, VP of Corporate Affairs, Development & Strategy, CDPQ Infra

The U.S. government’s sizable infrastructure investment plan will create exciting growth opportunities for states, localities, and many types of businesses. What are the best strategies to capitalize on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding. What are the challenges? How will cities, states, and regions, in collaboration with public and private partners and community stakeholders, leverage the $1.1 trillion in US infrastructure funding now flowing to localities, after decades of neglect, to optimize economic recovery, maximize transformational climate infrastructure investments, and accelerate growth of the global clean energy economy. 


8:50 AM


Climate Resiliency & Utility Vulnerability... Can We Keep the Lights On?

Moderator: Jim Kelly, Director, S&C Electric

Liane Randolph, Chair, California Air Resources Board
Maryam Brown, President, SoCal Gas
Martin Adams, General Manager & Chief Engineer, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Erica Bowman, Managing Director of Regulatory Policy, SCE

 The frequency and amplitude of extreme weather events continues to increase – from wildfires in the southwest to hurricanes, tornadoes and flooding in the southeast and northeast, to record snowstorms and blizzards in the middle. But it also seems that a large part of the plan to reduce California’s contribution to climate change involves increasing dependence upon energy resources that often don’t work well when extreme weather happens – like wind and solar- and reducing inventory of energy assets that are more weather resistant, like natural gas and nuclear plants. We keep hearing that California’s energy supplies will be tight this summer and precarious next year. Panelists will consider: Can the state really have it all:  today’s level of energy reliability, resilience against natural disasters, and little or no GHG? 


9:45 AM



Getting Sh*t Done: Federal Climate Funding and Permitting to Accelerate Building Back Better

Moderator: Christine HaradaExecutive Director, Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council

Angelina Galiteva, Board Member, CAISO
Arnab Pal, Policy Advisor, US Senate/ Fmr. Director, Center for Sustainable Energy
Dennis McGinn, Admiral (ret) & Fmr. U.S. Assistant Secretary, US Navy/EPRI Board Member

How will sub-national agencies and the private sector  at the local & regional level wisely take advantage of the non recurring opportunities afforded by  the US Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act - to underwrite critical climate related infrastructure  -  i.e. water, electric grid , EV infrastructure buildout, and more?  Panelists  will address the permitting challenges attendant to building infrastructure in the context of the need to EXECUTE! Another main areas of panel focus also will be: climate justice and equity.



What's the New Normal Look Like? Adapting California's Water Systems to Climate Risk 

Moderator: Felicia Marcus, William C. Landreth Visiting Fellow, Stanford University Water in the West

Adel HagekhalilGeneral Manager, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Sandy Kerl, General Manager, San Diego Water Authority
John Withers, Board of Directors Member, Irvine Ranch Water District

In response to California being in the midst of the worst megadrought experienced in  1,200 years, the Metropolitan Water District and the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power recently announced mandatory cutbacks as of June 1.  High level discussions already have begun on the necessity of developing new tools and innovations for enhancing local water supply and management strategies adaptable to worsening conditions wrought by the climate crisis. To meet this challenge, the Met Water’s GM Adel Hagekhalil emphasizes a holistic  One Water approach to watershed management and the tantamount importance of embracing and incentivizing investments in resilience. The panel will address what does the future hold for California & the Colorado Basin States’ water systems?



Ensuring Sustainable Mobility: The Money is Coming— How to Invest it Wisely?

Moderator: Dr. Kate White, Planning Services LeaderArup

Hilary NortonCommissioner, California Transportation Commission
Steve Burger, Deputy DIrector, LA County Public Works
Eli Lipmen, Director of Development and Programming, Move LA



Green New Jobs: Assuring a 21st Century Renewable Energy & Clean Tech Workforce (9:45-11:10)

Moderator: Jane Oates President, WorkingNation

Bernie KotlierExecutive Director, Sustainable Energy Solutions, IBEW-NECA Labor Management Cooperation Committee, California and Nevada
Jessica Ku Kim, VP of Economic & Workforce Development, LAEDC
Yamen Nanne, Power Engineering Manager, LADWP

California has long been recognized as a global leader in the clean energy movement and a state that is proud of its rich diversity.  “Putting California on the High Road”, the 2030 Jobs & Action Plan,  put forth by the State’s Workforce Development Board, is a comprehensive plan  to braid economic growth with strategies to decrease carbon emissions while creating inclusive pathways to family-sustaining career track jobs.  With respect to jobs, what do cutting-edge sustainability technologies mean for workforce readiness and the labor economy? Are employers in every sector doing enough to equip the next generation of workers with the tools to keep the U.S. competitive in a global economy? How can we ensure that our most underserved demographics obtain the skills to succeed in the face of such rapid change? A panel of experts from the workforce marketplace and energy industries will elaborate on this topic and its role in achieving clean energy for our cities and global economy.


Roundtable: From the Lab to Commercialization of Climate Research

Leader: Gordon FellerBoard Member/Global Fellow, IP KEYS Corp/The Smithsonian

Dr. Mark Gold, Executive Director/Deputy Secretary for Oceans & Coastal Policy, Ocean Protection Council/California Natural Resources Agency
Nate Lewis, George L. Argyros Professor of Chemistry, CalTech.
Eric Coene, RD&D Group Manager, SoCalGas
Patrick F Dobson, Geothermal Systems Program Lead, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Nancy Sutley, CSO, LADWP

Responding to climate change is both an interdisciplinary and multi-sector endeavor. Ultimately, good research and solid data is only one piece of the puzzle—particularly as needs for climate adaptation become more pressing. This roundtable invites speakers of various backgrounds and sectors to sit down and discuss methods for bringing lab work and research out of the academic silo through commercialization. How can we ensure that all work done at this level helps contribute to pilot projects down the road? Finding an answer to this question could help us bridge this crucial gap, turning esoteric information into tangible changes for everyday lives.


10:45 AM



With the Goal of Carbon Neutrality: The Role of Hydrogen & Renewable Natural Gas 

Moderator: Brian Goldstein, Executive Director, Energy Independence Now

Eiji Ohira Director General, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Group, Japan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Dennis McGinn, Admiral (ret) & Fmr. U.S. Assistant Secretary, US Navy/EPRI Board Member
Yuri Freedman, Senior Director of Business Development, SoCalGas

Countries around the world, particularly Japan and Canada, are embracing hydrogen and biomethane as fuel sources in their shift toward 100% clean energy. California, despite its reputation as a global leader on sustainable practices, appears, except for LADWP, to lag behind on its use of these energy resources. But some experts believe low and zero-carbon gas—green hydrogen, renewable natural gas and biomethane—must be part of an any fuel mix if the state is to successfully move toward a fully decarbonized energy system. Can hydrogen also be used as energy storage? How can organically-sourced biogas be captured and reused? What intersection does methane have with hydrogen energy delivery? What are the implications for job growth in California? Join this panel to learn more about how leaders are rethinking how hydrogen, biome thane, and renewable natural gas can be part of a sustainable energy system, utilizing the waste stream to marry sustainability goals for organic waste with our needs in power and transportation.



Every Drop Counts: Investing in Multi-Benefit Stormwater Capture and ReUse

Moderator: Katy Young YaroslavskyDeputy for the Environment and Arts, Office of Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl

Liz CrossonChief Sustainability, Resiliency, Innovation Officer, Metropolitan Water District
Keith Lilley, Deputy Director, Los Angeles County Public Works
Rafael Villegas, Program Manager, Operation Next, LADWP
Responder: Andy Lipkis, Treepeople Founder & Project Executive, Accelerate Resilience LA

L.A. County’s water system was built 100 years ago to send stormwater out to sea to prevent floods, not capture the water for future use missing  the opportunity to capture more than 100 billion gallons of water each year.vIn 2018, voters in L.A. County approved Measure W, the Safe Clean Water Program, a parcel tax that promised to increase L.A. County’s local water supply, improve water quality, and invest in making our communities greener and more livable. Also promised  was that The Safe Clean Water Program funded by Measure W would use new technology, science, and nature-based solutions to improve water quality for all of L.A. County. Panelists will address Measure W implementation as well as ongoing challenges and opportunities for multibenefit stormwater projects in LA County. 


Assessing the Berkeley Case's Impact on CEQA Law

Moderator: Kevin James, Fmr. Chair, LA City Board of Public Works

Jennifer Hernandez, Partner, Holland & Knight
Doug Carstens, President, Planning & Conservation League; Partner, Chatten-Brown & Carstens

After a showdown in the courts, the California Legislature stepped in and concluded that a change in enrollment was not a "project" and thus did not trigger CEQA, creating a temporary fix to the potential of an enrollment freeze at UC Berkeley. In the wake of that decision, many are still wondering what can and should be done about the current state of the California Environmental Quality Act. How has CEQA, despite the workload it creates, benefitted California's environment and underserved communities? What recommendations can be inputted to make small infill development and other minimal projects have an expedited process? In short, what is the future of CEQA?



11:10 AM - 12:25PM



Sustainability: How to do business with Higher Education Institutions

Moderator: Felicia Williams, CouncilmemberPasadena City Council

Mick DalrympleChief Sustainability Officer, University of Southern California
John Onderdonk, Chief Sustainability Officer, California Institute of Technology
Nurit KatzChief Sustainability Officer, UCLA

More than ever, leaders in higher education recognize the value in making campus improvements that will benefit today while allowing buildings & campus' to adapt to climate change and tomorrow’s emerging technologies.This is especially true for three highly acclaimed educational institutions in LA County: USC, CalTech and USC.  Each is taking giant steps today to  transform their educational infrastructure so that it’s  more sustainable, smarter, safer, and more resilient – all of which can also translate into enhanced efficiency, improved comfort, and lower cost of operations. CSO for each of these esteemed institutions will share what their institutions are doing, planning and investing in; as well as, how best to “business” with each institution . 

11:40 AM



Building Back Equitably: Climate Equity & Environmental Justice

Moderator: Marta SeguraClimate Emergency Mobilization Director, LA City Climate Emergency Mobilization Office 

Cynthia McClain-Hill, Board President, LADWP
Kristen Torres PawlingSustainability Program Director, Los Angeles County Chief Sustainability Office
Ingrid Merriwether, President & CEO, Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services

Early in 2021, Mayor Eric Garcetti launched Los Angeles' first-ever Climate Emergency Mobilization Office with a mandate to coordinate the actions of the Mayor’s Office, City Council, and community leaders to meet the commitments of L.A.'s Green New Deal while centering the voices and needs of LA's frontline communities. The CEMO's ongoing virtual Climate Equity LA workshops engage frontline communities to advise the city's approach to building decarbonization, community resilience, and climate equity metrics. How has CEMO organized and prioritized the implementation of its responsibilities? What innovative government strategies might the Commission likely recommend going forward? Is there a disconnect presently, between the city and frontline communities with respect to LA's climate program priorities?



Aiming for Zero Waste: Creating and Sustaining Markets for Organics Resource Recovery

Moderator: Christine Arbogast, Solid Waste West, Unit President, TetraTech

Coby Skye, Deputy Director, Los Angeles County Public Works
Yaniv Scherson, Chief Operating Officer, Anaergia
Erika Pham, Senior Manager, Strategy, Mote Hydrogen 



VX Water Charrette (11:45am to 2:25pm) by Invitation

Mark Pestrella, Director, LA County Public Works
Felicia MarcusWilliam C. Landreth Visiting Fellow, Stanford University Water in the West
Charles WilsonExecutive Director & CEO, Southern California Water Coalition
Gloria Gray, Chairwoman of the Board, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Adel HagekhalilGeneral Manager, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Anselmo Collins, Sr. Assistant General Manager - Water System, LADWP
Timeyin Dafeta, P.E., Executive Plant Manager, Hyperion Treatment Plant, LA Sanitation & Environment


12:00 PM


VX2022 Luncheon Served 


12:25 PM


Luncheon Plenary

Introduction: Bill Allen, President, Los Angeles Economic Developmement Council

Special RemarksHiroaki IshizukaChairman, Japan New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)


Global and Local Action Strategies to Slow Climate Change

Moderator: Janet Clayton, Fmr. Editor, LA Times; Boardmember, CalMatters

Liane Randolph, Chair, California Air Resources Board
Ted Bardacke, CEO, Clean Power Alliance
David Brulotte, Delegue, Government of Quebec

In the latest issue of VXNews , CPUC Commissioner cliff Rechshaffen shared: "We're seeing more than ever that climate change is real and that impacts that we thought would happen in years or decades are happening right now. As of March, 87% of state was in severe drought; 2021 was CA’s hottest year on record, and 9 of the State’s 20 largest wildfires ever occurred in 2020 and 2021...We’ve learned that we need to rethink how we're procuring, planning, managing our energy grid and communicating with the people and businesses that depend on it.”  In another recent VXNEWS interview CARB Board Chair Liane Randolph shared: "We cannot get where we're going without being willing to push groundbreaking strategies that will spur innovation and job creation.”  With this forward, these plenary panelist will opine on what global and local action strategies are needed to Slow Climate Change. 


1:35 PM


Lithium Valley & Next Generation Battery Power

Moderator: V. John WhiteExecutive Director, CEERT 

Ryan E. Kelley, Supervisor, District 4, Imperial County California
Jonathan WeisgallVP of Government Affairs, Berkshire Hathaway Energy
Patrick F Dobson, Geothermal Systems Program Lead, Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Lab
Cecilia Estolano,  CEO, Better World Group

Energy storage has long vexed engineers interested in a sustainable future. Lithium-ion technology has changed our energy storage capabilities, with one BloombergNEF study showing that global stationary storage capacity is expected to rise from 10 gigawatt-hours to 770 by 2030. Despite this rise, annual installation for stationary storage will remained dwarfed by battery demand from passenger electric vehicles which BloombergNEF estimates will account for 80% of annual battery demand in 2030. Still, lithium-ion technology has its limitations, namely in the raw materials it uses and their eventual disposal. Some automakers believe it may never have the capacity and financial viability necessary to power long-distance electric vehicles. What does the future hold for battery innovation and how might this already growing market adapt over the coming years? Several experts sit down to discuss this issue.

2:35 PM



If EV's Are the Future, Is the Grid Ready?

Moderator: Gideon KracovGovernor’s Appointee, CARB

Minh LeGeneral Manager, Energy & Environmental Services, LA County ISD
Siva Gunda, Vice Chair, California Energy Commission
Yamen Nanne, Power Engineering Manager, LADWP

Electrifying transportation and deploying zero emission cars is happening at an unprecedented scale. The City of LA recently adopted its Electric Vehicle Master Plan to map how the city will meet ambitious electrification goals. Will we see a SunShot-esque success story in EV charging infrastructure costs? Must California’s EV infrastructure need to be beyond anything we can imagine? The challenge: Metropoles like Los Angeles, which have high percentages of renters without the inherent ability to EV charge at home, will need to strategize how to sync the built environment, the future of the grid, and the massive energy transition to renewable fuels. Panelists will address the ongoing challenges of an electrified economy on the grid's capacity to handle the load. 



How Do We Scale-up Recycling in Southern California- Getting to 100% Water Recycling by 2035

Moderator: Brad Coffey, Group Manager, Water Resource Management,  Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Keith Lilley, Deputy Director, LA County Public Works
Rafael Villegas, Program Manager, Operation Next, LADWP
Timeyin Dafeta, P.E., Executive Plant Manager, Hyperion Treatment Plant, LA Sanitation & Environment
Yasuhiro Matsui, Manager, Innovation Center, Marketing Division, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Mayor Eric Garcetti water goals for Los Angeles, for example, have long included recycling 100 percent of the City's wastewater. For the city, the biggest piece of the puzzle involves upgrading the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant, the largest such facility in the western United States. Regionally and statewide,  are regulations and technologies ready to send recycled water to groundwater recharge facilities to complete the closed loop water cycle? How will the region finance such an ambitious goal? What other projects are coming online to make inroads towards moving toward maximizing our water resources and eliminating ocean discharges? 



Meeting the Methane Moment 

Moderator: Ross ZelenResearch Fellow, UC Berkeley Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Uduak-Joe Ntuk,  State Oil & Gas Supervisor, California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM)
Jean-Francois Gauthier, VP, Measurements & Strategic Initiatives, GHGSat
Tim RomerCFO & Head of Strategy, Project Canary

Methane is a short-lived climate pollutant. During COP 26, 110 countries signed the Global Methane Pledge to reduce methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030. It is very possible to achieve as methane comes from a lot fewer sources than carbon dioxide—mostly cattle, coal operations, and landfill and waste. Furthermore, methane can be used as a product in oil and gas industry. How will California assist the United States in reaching the Global Methane Pledge? 



ESG: The Future of Sustainable Investing (2:35-3:45)

Moderator: Mike WallaceSVP of Strategic Market Engagement, Persefoni 

John Keisler CEO & Managing Partner, Sunstone Investments
Jeff Mindlin, VP & Chief Investment Officer, ASU Enterprise Partners 
Anil Tammineedi,
Angeleno Group
Mike Lombardo, Head of ESG Strategy, Kayne Anderson

Recent announcements from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) make it clear that ESG field is maturing. As Gensler has repeatedly stated “companies are reporting ESG information; investors are using ESG information. The SEC is going to standardize it.” In addition, new ESG standards, rules, and policies in the EU, UK, Japan and other jurisdictions are rapidly influencing the markets rapid uptick in ESG oriented investment strategies. Once the domain of the public pensions funds, ESG investing has crossed over into private equity and real estate investments. This session will provide an overview of the last trends shaping the investment field, as well as take deep dives into the most influential regulatory developments, standards and guidelines that dictate how companies and investors measure, manage, and report on their ESG activities, their footprints, and their impacts.


3:30 PM-4:20PM



California Policy's Impact on Gas' Place in Future Fuel Mix

Moderator: Siva GundaVice Chair, California Energy Commission

Jawaad Malik, Vice President of Strategy and Sustainability and Chief Environmental Officer, SoCalGas
Tanya Peacock, Sr. Director of Government Affairs & Policy, Bloom Energy
Janice Lin, Executive Director, Green Hydrogen Coalition

California’s electricity system has all but eliminated coal and has seen renewables start to be the dominant supply-side resource. As policymaker's consider the role that natural gas system will play in transitioning the electric grid, with the state’s goal for economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2045, what is the vision for the gas grid in 2045.  Panelists will consider the biggest barriers to achieving this vision and how will business models, service offerings, and policy incentives need to adapt.



Energy/Water Technologies for Resilience

Moderator: John Withers, Board of Directors Member, Irvine Ranch Water District

Jairo Criollo, Co-Founder, Director of Business Development, Noria Energy
Barry Gluck, Head of Business Development for North America, Triple+

Pumping, treating, and distributing water accounts for a fifth of California’s electricity consumption, according to the California Energy Commission. For example, the Orange County Sanitation District treats 100 million wastewater flow each day in their plants, then the treated water gets piped up the Santa Ana River channel to be recharged in the groundwater basin. Extensive energy is consumed to complete this process. Panelists will discuss how the design, finance, installation and operation of the energy storage system provide a blueprint for other agencies to optimize financial savings and environmental benefits.



Cleaning Up Goods Movement Amidst Unprecedented Reconfiguration of the Supply Chain—the Ports/710 Corridor

There is little doubt that our San Pedro Bay ports, the Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles, are collectively global models for aggressive and meaningful environmental stewardship in an industry in which it is hard, expensive and often controversial to take that position. The San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan adopted by our twin ports has resulted in a 90% reduction in diesel particulate emissions and a 60% increase in wildlife diversity, among other benefits. But the last couple of years have shifted our focus sharply away from these achievements. We see pictures on the news of dozens and dozens of cargo ships waiting offshore, allegedly for days at a time…while burning fossil fuel.  We see the result of supply disruptions when we go to our local stores. Many times, the goods were not in stock. When they are, the prices can be scary – especially so for the economically challenged citizens of our state and region.Today we will ask the experts - all of whom have demonstrated their dedication to the environment with concrete actions - what’s really going on? Are we being forced to accept a step back in environmental stewardship because of supply chain disruptions? Are there choices we can and should be making – and what are they?

Moderator: Jim Kelly, Director, S&C Electric

Mario Cordero Executive Director, Port of Long Beach
Hector De La TorreAssembly Appointee, CARB
David Libatique Deputy Executive DIrector of Stakeholder Engagement, Port of Los Angeles
Tak Yokoo, Advanced Fuel Cell Senior Executive Engineer, Toyota Motor North America R&D


4:00 PM



Next Generation Investment in Clean Energy & Climate Solutions (4:00pm-5:15)

Moderator: Kathleen Brown, Partner, Manatt, Phelps & Philips

Daniel Weiss, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Angeleno Group
Allan EmkinManaging Principal, Meketa Investments
Tom Soto, Founder, Latimer Partners, LLC
Harout Chitilian, VP of Corporate Affairs, Development & Strategy, CDPQ Infra
Lex Heslin, Sr. Project Developer, Hitachi Zosen Inova
Dr. Robert Kay, Climate Services Leader, ARUP 



WTC-LA Consular Panel —By Invitation Only (4:00-5:15) 
             Consular Reception to follow

Moderator: Stephen CheungPresident/COO, World Trade Center-Los Angeles/LA County Economic Development Council

Jeremy Clarke-Watson, Consul General, New Zealand
Youngwan Kim, Consul General, Korea
Arwen Widmew Bobyk, Consul for Political, Economic, & Public Affairs, Consulate General of Canada
Hillel Newman, Consul General of Israel for the Pacific Southwest


4:25 PM



OffShore Wind & Protecting California's Coastline & Vital Ecosystems

Moderator: Warner Chabot, Executive Director, San Francisco Estuary Institute

Mark Gold, Deputy Secretary for Oceans & Coastal Policy, California Natural Resources Agency
Christine HaradaExecutive Director, FPISC
Cecilia Estolano, CEO, Better World Group
Tyler Studds, Director of Business Development, Ocean Winds



Getting it Right! ZEV Infrastructure Deployment/Metro to Micro...

Moderator: Terry O'Day, InCharge Energy

Nate Baguio, Sr VP Sales & Business Development, The Lion Electric Company
Naeem Farooqi, Director of Sustainable Transit & Transport Asset Management Solutions,Wood PLC
Matt Abularach-Macias, Deputy Campaigns Director, California Environmental Voters
Michael LordExecutive Engineer, Toyota Motor North America

6:15 PM


VX2022 Canada Hosted Dinner (By-Invitation)


VX 2022 Day 2: Tuesday, June 21, 2022


7:15 AM


Registration and Breakfast.


7:30 AM

VX2022 Welcome: In an era of few constants and frequent changes, the world wants to know: what's next?    

David Abel, Chairman, VerdeXchange
Bill Allen, President, Los Angeles Economic Developmement Council
Shmel Graham, Co-Chair, ULI Urban Marketplace Committee; Counsel, Ashurst Law


7:45 AM

Remarks by Eric Garcetti, Mayor, City of Los Angeles
Marqueece Harris Dawson, Councilmember, LA City Council


8:00 AM

Morning Plenary

Assessing the Impacts of Public Investments in Transportation/Sports Infrastructure

Moderator: Renata SimrilPresident & CEO, LA84 Foundation

James T. Butts, Mayor, City of Inglewood
Stephanie Wiggins, CEO, Metro 
Samantha Bricker, Chief Sustainability and Revenue Officer, Los Angeles World Airport

The impact of sports are myriad, including in areas such as urban planning, public transportation, the built environment, design, technology and innovation. When a mega-sporting event is awarded to a city, as has being the case this decade for Los Angeles & Southern California, it often becomes an organizing principle—and hard deadline—for transportation initiatives and investment. When new sporting venues and complexes are constructed, planning and transportation become front of mind—particularly as the generation of stadiums built for cars in suburban areas fades away in favor of downtown venues stitched into the urban fabric, and a generation of fans emerges that values ride-sharing, WiFi, convenience, and communal moments. From gondola rides and gondolas at Dodger Stadium, to Tokyo's recent Hydrogen Olympics, to Inglewood’s new professional sports venues, to the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, this panel will discuss what happens regionally and globally when new mobility technologies are challenged to meet the many demands of those seeking to attend the fields of play.


9:10 AM


-ULI Futurebuild-

Rapid Urban Prototyping

Architect Gerhard Mayer describes Rapid Urban Prototyping in an article for the journal Common Edge: “The current urban planning paradigm, with its painfully slow implementation cycles, can’t deliver the rapid change that the city needs. For L.A., the shared mutual understanding what a city is, and how it functions, needs to undergo a radical shift. And yet, a fundamental reset like this cannot be achieved in one singular adjustment. It can only be accomplished in many smaller steps, with each new iteration based on the results of the previous one.” Rapid Urban Prototyping is an iterative approach to Urban Planning and Development that often involves the techniques of “tactical urbanism” and “Quick Build Street Design.” How are major development projects in the cities of Inglewood and Culver City moving forward as swiftly as they are? And how can an organization such as the Southern California Association of Governments help cities prepare for this rapid development and the infrastructure that they require to support it? Our panelists will address and discuss these issues and the fundamental tensions and desires that underly the new development that we so urgently need here in Los Angeles. 

Moderator: Thomas Aujero Small, President & CEO, Culver City Forward


James T Butts, Mayor, City of Inglewood
Jenna Hornstock, Deputy Director of Planning for Landuse, Southern California Association of Governments
Alex Fisch, Council Member, Culver City Council
Vince Bertoni, Director of Planning, City of LA



Deploying Solar with Fewer Incentives & More Regulation

Moderator: Eliot Abel, Co-Owner/Director of Commercial Project Development, Namaste Solar

Andrew McAllister, Commissioner, California Energy Commission
Nancy Sutley, CSO, LADWP
Chris Worley, Director of Public Policy, SunRun



Aligning Public & Private Goals to Accelerate Advanced Clean Transportation

California is blazing a path for the U.S. in setting goals and regulations that will lead to a dramatic reduction in both GHG and smog-forming emissions, while catalyzing the biggest technology shift in the transportation sector since horses were swapped out for cars. CARB’s adopted Advanced Clean Trucks and forthcoming Advanced Clean Fleets rules put California on a fast path to zero emission transportation and will require an all hands on deck approach if the state is to meet its targets. What challenges and opportunities are available for the public sector, industry, utilities, private investment, and regulatory agencies to ensure we are all rowing in the same direction towards a 100% ZE 2035? What will other states see when they look to California as the model and laboratory of implementation?


Moderator: Lauren Faber O'ConnorChief Sustainability Officer, City of Los Angeles

Erin Larson, Investor Mobility & Transportation, Generate Capital
Rick Cole, Executive Director, Congress for the New Urbanism
Doran Barnes Executive Director, Foothills Transit

-HYDROGEN HUB Super Track-

VerdeXchange H2 Super Track (9:10am-11:45am)

Joining VX for the first time, leadership from the newly inaugurated Japan Hydrogen Forum.  An industry working group of 18 major Japanese firms with US operations, and a keen focus on supporting the growth of a viable hydrogen energy sector.  Leadership will be discussing prospects for hydrogen energy collaboration and technology solutions in Japan, California and worldwide. 

1. Global Hydrogen Strategies/Intro to H2 Super Track (30 Min)
Moderator: Brian Goldstein, Executive DIrector, Energy Independence Now

Panel: Tyson EckerleDep. Dir. for ZEV Infrastructure, CA Governor’s Office of Business & Economic Development (GO-Biz)
Norihiko Saeki Executive Director, Jetro Los Angeles; Special Adviser to Minister of Economy, Trade & Industry, Japan
Tak Yokoo,  JH2F Chairman, Toyota Motor N.A. R&D Senior Executive Engineer 


2. Hydrogen at the Ports (30 Min)
ModeratorJim KellyDirector, S&C Electric

Panel: Michael GalvinDirector of Waterfront and Commercial Real Estate, Port of Los Angeles
Eric Guter, VP Hydrogen for Mobility Solutions,  Air Products
Troy Collard, General Manager Sales, PACECO Corp. 
Toru Sugiura, Sr. Manager, Corporate Strategy & Business Development, Toyota Tsusho America Inc.


3. Hydrogen in Transportation (30 Min)
Moderator: Brian Goldstein, Executive Director, Energy Independence Now

Panel:Eric Guter, VP Hydrogen for Mobility Solutions,  Air Products
Ryan Harty, Senior Manager, Energy Solution Business Division, Honda
Kohei Masaki, Hydrogen Strategy Consultant, Toyota Motor North America


4. Hydrogen on the Grid (30 Min)
Moderator: Jim KellyDirector, S&C Electric

Panel:Angelina Galiteva, Board Member, CAISO
Lorraine Paskett, Vice President, AES Corporation
Lex Heslin, Sr. Project Developer, Hitachi Zosen Inova
Janice Lin, Executive Director, Green Hydrogen Coalition


5: Cost & Technology Breakthroughs (30 Min)
Moderator: Brian Goldstein, Executive Director, Energy Independence Now

Panel:Bryce Conacher, Director ESG & Business Development, Hydrogen Optimized 
Alex RafieeCEO and Co-Founder, Gemini Motors
Mark McGough, President & CEO, H2U



10:10 AM



Climate Change Impacts & Opportunities: Urban Planning Paradigm

Moderator: Gail Goldberg, Fmr. Executive Director, ULI-LA

Vince Bertoni, Director of Planning, City of Los Angeles
Rick Cole, Executive Director, Congress for the New Urbanism
Thomas Aujero Small, Executive Director, Culver City Forward

Responder: Eli Lipmen, Director of Development & Programming, MoveLA



Smarter Cities: Forging the Future Between Cities & the Mobility Industry

Moderator: Ruben Aronin, Sr. Vice President, Better World Group

Minh LeGeneral Manager, Energy & Environmental Services, Los Angeles County Internal Services Department
Dr. Joshua Schank, Managing Principal, InfraStrategies
Heather Repenning, Executive Officer of Sustainability Policy, LA Metro
Cory Bullis, Senior Public Affairs Manager, US, FLO

Global metropolises are attempting to fold new technologies like autonomous vehicles, e-bikes, and shared scooters into their urban (often last mile) mobility planning. How successful have public agencies been in aligning public works and safety responsibilities with new on-demand and digital technologies to create smarter and more sustainable cities. How might new last-mile and micro-mobility providers enhance rather than undermine public transit? How can conflicts between private tech disruptors and public agencies better address data-sharing and privacy issues? This expert panel brings together actors and doers from public and private-sector industries who hope to bring an efficient, sustainable, and multimodal future to urban life.



Building Decarbonization: A Reality Check

Moderator: Ben Stapleton, Executive Director, USGBC-LA

David Jacot, Director of Efficiency Solutions, LADWP
Brian Prusnek, Director of Customer Programs and Assistance, SoCalGas
Andrew McAllister, Commissioner, California Energy Commission 
Heather Rosenberg, Associate Principal & LA Resilience Leader, Arup 
Lee Smith, VP Strategic Marketing, Advocacy & Application Development, Daikin US Corporation

On average, a city greenhouse gas emission is two-thirds transportation and one-third buildings. Some cities are taking steps to ban or heavily restricting gas hookups for new construction. In California, decarbonization has recently began to be written in the California Building Code. It is predicted that buildings built between 2023 and 2028 will be all electric. What is the outlook of the 2023-2026 code cycle for decarbonization? How will companies who rely on the continued expansion and maintenance of a gas distribution respond to decarbonization?



Circular Economy Solutions to California's Waste Crisis

Moderator: Coby SkyeDeputy Director, Los Angeles County Public Works

John Shegerian, President & CEO, ERI
Jean-Christophe LambertLithion Recycling
Bernadette Halvorson, Assistant Division Manager, LASAN


11:10 AM

-ULI Futurebuild-

How Might Electrification, Autonomous Vehicles & AI Reshape Urban Mobility 
Moderator:Sue Minter, Executive Director, Capstone Community Action
Samantha Bricker, Chief Sustainability & Revenue Management Officer, LAWA
Stefan Tongur, VP of Business Development,  Electreon
Greg Spotts, Chief Sustainability Officer, StreetsLA


Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Developing Affordable Housing, Sustainably
Moderator: Shmel Graham, Counsel, Ashurst Law Firm

Rossana D'Antonio, Deputy Director, LA County Public Works 
Ann Sewill, Director, City of LA Housing Department
Stephanie Klasky-Gamer, CEO, LA Family Housing
Rick Cole, Executive Director, Congress for the New Urbanism


Truly New Energy & Storage Technologies

We’ve been hearing about energy storage for a long time now – including the rapid development of lithium-ion batteries in “giga-factories” around the world, the broad emergence and popularity of EVs of all sorts, the growing pairing of storage with rooftop solar, big interest around storage to safeguard against climate events (including Public Safety Power Shutoffs in California), and so on. We’ve also heard some troubling things about those Lithium-Ion batteries – fires, issues around lithium and cobalt mining in 3rd world countries, difficulty recycling, etc. And we’ve seen some radically different approaches to storage too, like the technology that stacks and removes giant towers of concrete blocks. In the last couple of years, the sense of urgency around storage has increased significantly as more traditional energy resources (like nuclear and natural gas powerplants) leave the grid and are replaced by intermittent resources like wind and solar. Authorities like the CAISO and CEC tell us that we must add an unprecedented amount of energy storage in CA if we are to keep the lights on over the next few summers.Our panelists today will tell us about new storage technologies that may hold the key to ensuring our energy reliability and resiliency in California.

Moderator: Steve Sullivan, Former Managing Director, Southern California Edison

Andrew McAllister, Commissioner, California Energy Commission
Jean Lachance, VP Deployment & Operations, EVLO
Takashi Yano, General Manager, Energy Sytems Division, Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. 


12:10 PM


VX2022 Luncheon Served 

Luncheon Plenary: Game Changers: Meet the Innovators

Moderator: Jim Kelly, Director, S&C Electric

Terry Tamminen, CEO, AltaSea 
Myrna Bittner, CEO RunWithIt Synthetics
John Shegerian, CEO, ERI 
Mark McGough,President & CEO, H2U


1:45 PM



Case Study: Transit Oriented Development at Vermont and Manchester – Where Education, Mobility, Housing and Commerce Will Converge
The mixed-use development on the corner of Vermont and Manchester in South Los Angeles is an unprecedented project for the community and the region. On the north side of the block, the SEED School of Los Angeles will soon educate 400 high schoolers , not only preparing them for college, but through a unique partnership with LA Metro and the County of Los Angeles, for careers in the transportation sector. Right next door, 180 units of affordable housing, retail and a Metro-operated job training center will be constructed. Come learn about the project, how it changed the paradigm for what transit-oriented development can be in LA, and what lessons have been learned in the process.

Moderator: Karly Katona, Managing Director, Trifiletti Consultants

Leandro Tyberg, Primestor
Anita Landecker, Executive Director of ExEd: SEED School of Los Angeles
Maria Meleandez, Deputy Executive Officer, Next Gen Workforce Programs, LA Metro
Carolina Romo, LA County Development Authority
Claudia Gutierrez, Sr. Deputy for Legal Affairs, LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell
Lesley Poole, CEO, Seed Foundation



Resiliency: Innovations in Localized Energy

Moderator:Kristen Torres PawlingSustainability Program Director, Los Angeles County Chief Sustainability Office

Hanif Montazeri, Founder & CEO, Enersion
Martin Howell, Associate Principal, Arup
Matthew Langer, Chief Operating Officer, Clean Power Alliance


Governing LA: What Will Constitute Success?

A forward looking conversation about holding elected accountable for promises related to: Multi Benefit Economic Development, Job Creation, Leveraging Infrastructure Investments, Affordable Housing, Livability 


Michael Kelly, Executive Director, The LA Coalition
Lilian Coral, Director/National Strategy+Technology Innovation, Knight Foundation
Matt HortonDirector, Center for Regional Economics & California Center, Milken Institute 


—Green Cities Roadshow—

Green Cities Road Show- by-invitation (1:45pm - 3:30 pm)

The VERDEXCHANGE VX2022 Green Cities Roadshow will afford representatives from the region’s smaller cities an opportunity to share with an audience of international clean and green tech entrepreneurs their goals and needs when it comes to clean energy, transportation, sustainability, and resilience. VerdeXchange invites city leaders to this reverse-pitch style networking event and reception in collaboration with the Government of Québec and the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles to support in-market solutions to the sustainability and resilience challenges confronting cities today. 


Felicia Williams, Council Member, City of Pasadena
Doran Barnes, Foothills Transit
Jason Caudle, City of Lancaster
Susumu Okamoto, President and Representative Director, Choshu Industry, CO. Ltd.
Thomas Small, Culver City Forward
Travis Morgan, Culver City Forward


-WASTE & RECYCLING Roundtable- (by-Invitation) (1:45pm-3:30pm)

Policies & Technologies for the California Waste & Recycling Crisis (1:45pm-3:30pm)

Ross Zelen, Research Fellow, UC Berkeley Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Coby SkyeDeputy Director, Los Angeles County Public Works


2:45 PM

Closing Reception 



VX 2022 Day 3: Wednesday, June 22, 2022

VX2022 Sir Winston San Pedro Bay Sessions (By Invitation) 8:45am-11:45am


8:00 AM

 DTLA-POLA Shuttle departs 


8:45 AM 

 Sir Winston Boarding 
Los Angeles Maritime Institute

9:00 AM

Sir Winston Departure
Refreshments & Networking

9:15 AM

Welcome Remarks

9:45 AM

   -  The Ports   

 Adapting San Pedro Ports to Climate Change—Green Shipping Corridors

-  Hydrogen -
 Hydrogen Hubs: Opportunities & Potential


  -  Blue Tech & Ocean Sustainability   
Blue Tech: Blue Economy & Ocean Sustainability


11:00 Reconvene/ Refreshments & Networking while docking

11:45 Deboard

12:00pm POLA-DTLA Shuttle departs



VX2022 Speakers include: 



Siva Gunda, Vice Chair, California Energy Commission
Maryam Brown, President, SoCal Gas
Adel HagekhalilGM, Metropolitan Water District
Liane RandolphChair, California Air Resources Board

Mark GoldChair, Ocean Protection Council
Christine HaradaExecutive DIrector, FPSIC
Hiroaki Ishizuka, Chairman, NEDO 
Renata Simril, President & CEO, LA84 Foundation


    Hilary Norton, Commissioner, CTC
Mark PestrellaGM, LA County Public Works
Barbara RomeroDirector & GM, LASAN
Ted Bardacke, Executive Director, Clean Power Alliance
Jonathan WeisgallVP Gov't Relations,Berkshire Hathaway Energy
Laura FriedmanDistrict 43, CA Assembly
Mario Cordero, Executive Director, Port of Long Beach 
Felicia Marcus, Fellow, Stanford Water in the West