Mr. Andrew Orrell is the Director of Nuclear Energy & Fuel Cycle Programs for Sandia National Laboratories, responsible for laboratory development initiatives involving all facets of the nuclear fuel cycle. Mr. Orrell has over 20 years of industry experience in nuclear waste management and repository systems spanning low-level, intermediate (transuranic), spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste types. He headed Sandia’s Lead Laboratory for Repository Systems program and led the completion of the postclosure performance assessment portions of the Yucca Mountain License Application. Prior to working on the Yucca Mountain Program, he was the Sandia manager for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) and the National Transuranic Waste Management program. His professional experience spans technical and managerial efforts at the WIPP and YMP, and technical support for international programs, including repository development, licensing, national policy development, regulatory framework development, site characterization studies, safety case development and performance assessments, transportation programs, and public confidence. His work also includes systems studies for advanced nuclear energy systems for the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, small modular nuclear reactor systems for industry, safety and security applications for the NRC regarding transportation, reactor safety and balance of plant systems, as well as laboratory directed research in advanced nuclear energy and repository systems. Most recently, Mr. Orrell also managed a multi-disciplinary team of internationally recognized experts supporting the severe accident analysis and consequence management for the accident at Fukushima, Japan.
Mr. Orrell regularly consults with leaders of government on nuclear energy and nuclear waste policy. He is versed in the complex issues regarding the treatment, storage and disposal of radioactive waste and the interdependencies between the technical, program and policy elements of nuclear waste management and nuclear energy.