Brad Copithorne is Financial Policy Director at EDF. His work is primarily focused on removing market barriers and developing new strategies for investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. This effort involves close coordination between individual and institutional investors, lenders, fund managers, environmental service companies, solar installers, tax equity providers, real estate owners, utilities, regulators, government officials and other private and public sector stakeholders. Brad is leading the effort to develop On-Bill Repayment programs in California, Texas, Ohio, Hawaii, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina and other states.
Brad has over 20 years experience in the financial services industry. He started his career at Salomon Brothers/Citi where he worked on fixed income origination and new product development. More recently, Brad worked for Morgan Stanley’s Technology Investment Banking team in Silicon Valley where he covered the enterprise hardware, contract manufacturing and IT distribution industries. In 2008, Brad was a partner at a fixed income hedge fund.
In 2009 Brad re-enrolled at Stanford University to study energy policy and graduated in June, 2010.