C. Scott Miller

Miller De Wulf Corporation

C. Scott Miller, MBA, is the President of the Miller De Wulf Corporation - a bioenergy communications and marketing firm in Los Angeles. His clients include the Bioenergy Producers Association, Ineos Bio, New Planet Energy, Price BIOstock, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. He is a nationally recognized spokesman for sustainable biomass aggregation for bioenergy projects. Scott was recently elected President of "Victory Plant" - a non-profit biorefinery certification and outreach collaboration whose mission is to educate, certify, and promote the deployment of integrated biorefineries in North America. He is an active member of the American Council on Renewable Energy, 25x'25, and the California Biomass Collaborative. Scott is also a certified social media strategist who writes bioenergy blogs and participates regularly on Twitter #Biochat as "BioBlogger." 
