Gary Bardini

Deputy Director for Integrated Water Management
California Department of Water Resources

Gary B. Bardini was appointed Deputy Director for Integrated Water Management on August 1, 2011. His primary responsibilities include implementing Integrated Regional Water Management, coordinating DWR's efforts related to climate change, updating and implementing the California Water Plan, promoting and facilitating the efficient use of water, overseeing DWR's flood management and dam safety programs, and implementing the FloodSAFE California initiative.

Prior to assuming his current role, Mr. Bardini served as Chief of DWR's Division of Flood Management from 2009 to 2011. As Division Chief, he led two key DWR initiatives: FloodSAFE California and the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan. Prior to becoming Division Chief, Mr. Bardini served as Chief of the Hydrology and Flood Operations Office. He was responsible for the Hydrology Branch, Flood Operations Branch, and Flood Project Integrity and Inspection Branch. He also guided special projects for the Department such as the Feasibility Study for the Restoration of Hetch Hetchy Valley including water and power replacement. Prior to this time, Mr. Bardini was Chief of the Hydrology Branch for five years and was responsible for the State's flood and water supply forecasting programs and flood management control systems for the Joint Operations Center.

Before Mr. Bardini joined Flood Management, he was with the CALFED Bay-Delta Program (CALFED) for three and one-half years. While with CALFED, he managed the Storage and Conveyance Facilities Unit and was responsible for water resource modeling activities. Mr. Bardini also served as Chief of the Water Management Branch and managed the planning activities associated with the water supply reliability element of the CALFED Program.

In 1996, Mr. Bardini joined Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to provide water resource modeling support to State Water Project and Central Valley Project operations and was involved with Bay-Delta issues and Central Valley water rights negotiations. From 1989 through 1996, Mr. Bardini worked on a variety of design and construction projects for the California Department of Boating and Waterways and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Mr. Bardini in 1987 began his career with DWR in the South Central Regional Office where he conducted water resource modeling studies and planned several water supply development projects. He holds a B.S. degree in civil engineering from the California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo with an emphasis in water resources and structures.
