Mr. Kenny Miyagi is the business development manager at JFE Engineering America, Inc. which is a fully own by its parent company, JFE Engineering Corporation, Japan. Since its U.S. corporation was established back in 2012, he has been reaching out to the public and private sectors to promote the products and technologies to the U.S. markets in the field of environment, oil and gas, and renewable energy sectors. He was one of the personnel involved in a project where JFE had provided the support to complete the mission for “Zero Waste Progress Report” for the city of LA Department of Public Works in 2013 and he was also the part of the project team with HDR, Tetra Tech to create the white paper called “Comparative Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Analysis of Alternative Scenarios for Waste Treatment and/or Disposal” for the county of Los Angeles Department of Public Works in 2016. This report has provided the guideline for the ideal future waste management by focusing on the reduction of GHG throughout the waste management practices. He has been with JFE for the last 15 years and currently promoting a seismic steel pipe for water resiliency by discussing with major water agencies in the Western United States and Canada where seismic design in their water pipelines system might be a critical issue for their infrastructures. Prior to his current position at JFE Engineering America, Inc.; he had worked as a contractor representative and technical manager for JFE group where JFE served as a military contractor for the United State Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency. He was responsible for contract negotiations, contract executions for the company.