For as long as there have been conversations about climate change and integrated resource management in Alberta, Bob Savage has been at the forefront of them. That’s why he was appointed as an Assistant Deputy Minister within the Alberta Climate Change Office in 2016, and asked to assume responsibility for it within the Ministry of Environment and Parks in 2018.
Prior to his role as an ADM he was Executive Director for the Regulatory and Compliance Branch, where he was responsible for delivering the Climate Change Regulatory and Emission Trading systems and the Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy programs. But these two roles are Bob’s second tour of duty on the climate change front. From 2003-13, Bob played a leading role in developing and implementing Alberta’s greenhouse gas policy and regulatory system, as well creating an offset trading system and establishing the Climate Change and Emissions Management Fund and Corporation (now known as Emissions Reduction Alberta).
In addition, Bob has served in senior executive roles leading the development of major policy and planning initiatives across a wide range of departments and subject matters, including provincial water policy, air policy, parks policy, as well as the development of integrated resource management plans across the province.
Bob’s education focused on land use planning and resource economics. He holds an MBA in project management from Athabasca University.