VX2021 - Feb 16 - Financing the Future & Catalyzing the Green Infrastructure Project Pipeline


Financing the Future & Catalyzing the Green Infrastructure Project Pipeline

In order for cities, regions, and states to compensate for decades of deferred maintenance and disinvestment and ‘build back better,’ they must reimagine traditional economic development models to access broad array of financial solutions and capital markets, as well as establish, monetize, and catalyze project pipelines and deal flow. To accelerate infrastructure development leaders will need establish a collaborative policy framework to accelerate project delivery, increase investment, and meet local community development goals. During this session we will offer potential solutions and actions to the following questions and challenges: How do leaders access and widen the capital pool and modernize infrastructure investment models?  How can state and local leaders structure governance frameworks that better align with federal financing tools and incentives?

Welcome & Introduction: David Abel, Chair, VerdeXchange 
Opening RemarksDarrell Steinberg, Mayor, City of Sacramento

10:10 AM Rethinking Economic Development & Fixing California’s Financing Gap

Matt HortonDirector, Center for Regional Economics, Milken Institute
Fiona Ma, State Treasurer, State of California
Sen. Bob Hertzberg, Senate Majority Leader, CA State Senate

10:40 Catalyzing the Project Pipeline with Smart Capital & Innovative Finance Tools

Moderator: David Abel, Chairman, VerdeXchange
Steve Westly, Founder & Managing Director, The Westly Group

11:10 Governance Frameworks for Multibenefit Infrastructure & Maximizing Outcomes

Moderator: Cecilia Estolano, CEO, Better World Group, CEO & Founder, Estolano Advisors
Michael Mendez, Asst. Professor, UC Irvine, Appointee, LA Regional Water Quality Board
Harout Chitilian,  Vice-President of Corporate affairs, Development and Strategy, CDPQ Infra
Ann Rogan, Director, Edge Collaborative, Fmr. Sr. Advisor for Economic Innovation, City of Stockton


11:40 Breakout Session/Q&A



VX2021 Financing the Future & Catalyzing the Green Infrastructure Project Pipeline