VX2022 Building Decarbonization: A Reality Check

Building Decarbonization: A Reality Check

Moderator: Ben Stapleton, Executive Director, USGBC-LA

David Jacot, Director of Efficiency Solutions, LADWP
Brian Prusnek, Director of Customer Programs and Assistance, SoCalGas
Andrew McAllister, Commissioner, California Energy Commission 
Heather Rosenberg, Associate Principal & LA Resilience Leader, Arup 
Lee Smith, VP Strategic Marketing, Advocacy & Application Development, Daikin US Corporation

On average, a city greenhouse gas emission is two-thirds transportation and one-third buildings. Some cities are taking steps to ban or heavily restricting gas hookups for new construction. In California, decarbonization has recently began to be written in the California Building Code. It is predicted that buildings built between 2023 and 2028 will be all electric. What is the outlook of the 2023-2026 code cycle for decarbonization? How will companies who rely on the continued expansion and maintenance of a gas distribution respond to decarbonization?


VX2022: Building DeCarbonization: A Reality Check