Multimodal & Active Transportation: A Vision for the Future of LA—Cities Built for People are Good for Business
Moderator: Michael Schneider, Founder & CEO, Streets for All
Yuval Bar Zemer, Principal, Linear City Development LLC
Gleam Davis, Mayor, City of Santa Monica
Lava Sunder, Fmr. Founding General Manager, Culdesac Tempe
Natalie Freidberg, President, Silver Lake Chamber of Commerce
Across North America, over the last 100 years, most cities have been redesigned around cars. Our sidewalks have been narrowed, our streets have been widened, our historic buildings have been knocked down to build parking structures, and bike lanes are few and far between. This has mostly been done under the guise that free parking and easy car access is needed for businesses to thrive. Yet, in cities that have deprioritized the car, and made their streets more human scale, with wide sidewalks, trees, bike lanes, and even full pedestrianization, business has boomed.