LA84’s Renata Simril on Cultivating Legacy through Play Equity


VXNews excerpts LA84 Foundation President & CEO Renata Simril addressing a recent LAEDC Board of Governors’ meeting highlighting the Foundation’s origins and ongoing work as a grantmaking organization promoting play equity, its historic building  and internationally acclaimed sport history library.

LAEDC Economic Forecast Panel: Making the Best of Federal Funding in LA’s Infrastructure


VX News excerpts the February 16 LAEDC 2022 Economic Forecast Breakout Session on Infrastructure and opportunities for coupling one-time investments with workforce development and cross-sector collaboration.

LAEDC’s Stephen Cheung on LA’s “Blue-Green” Build Back Better Regional Grant Challenge

Stephen Cheung

Los Angeles was selected in December by the US Economic Development Agency as a finalist in the $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge.

Cleantech Investor Tom Rand on Parallels of California and Canada's Cleantech Markets & Government Initiatives

Tom Rand is a well-known investor and entrepreneur and is the Cleantech Practice Lead Advisor at theMaRS Discovery District in Toronto, Canada. Ahead of an LAEDC trade mission to Toronto, VX asks Rand how markets are beginning to reflect the realities of climate change and what parallels exist between cleantech investment in California and Canada. Rand notes that as the pressures of climate change emerge, industries across all sectors, from mining to forestry to manufacture, will have to plan carefully to reduce carbon emissions as part of staying flexible with a changing economy. <See:>