Mario Cordero

VX2023 Plenary: Upgrading & Greening Our Air & Sea Ports – The ROI


With another $4 billion from the Biden administration & Congress on its way to electrify and cut emissions at our nation’s ports, the federal government is continuing to demonstrate the need for modernization and innovation of our maritime infrastructure.

State of the Port of Long Beach 2023 Highlights & Imagines a ‘ZEERO’ Emissions Port


In his 2023 State of the Port address, POLB Executive Director Mario Cordero announces ZEERO—the Zero Emissions, Energy Resilient Operations Program—to invest in projects aimed at reducing the impacts of operations and improving air quality.

Cleaning Up Goods Movement Amidst Unprecedented Reconfiguration of the Supply Chain—the Ports/710 Corridor: VX 2022 Panel


In April of this year, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach began implementing the Clean Truck Fund fee to generate $90 million annually to encourage adoption of clean trucks with a goal to achieve a zero-emission drayage truck fleet by 2035. VX News shares this panel excerpt from VX2022 moderated by S&C Electric’s Jim Kelly, in which Port of Long Beach Executive Director,