
Jim Kelly on Centralized Utilities' Pandemic Challenges & Quest for Resilience

Jim Kelly

As California again begins to prepare for another wildfire season and climate change’s new normal - this time possibly spent adhering to social distancing and shelter-in-place mandates, VXNews interviewed S&C Electric's Jim Kelly to better appreciate the impacts that the coronavirus pandemic is having on centralized utilities.

CEC Chair Weisenmiller on the Transformation of California’s Clean Energy Market

Robert Weisenmiller

Pacific Gas & Electric’s recently announcement it would shut down the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant highlighted California’s rapidly shifting approach to the electric power grid. To California Energy Commission Chair Robert Weisenmiller, the decision was significant, but was just one of a multitude of tidal forces moving California towards a diverse, dynamic, and resilient renewable energy portfolio. In an exclusive interview with VX News, Weisenmiller explains the growth and importance of the regional Energy Imbalance Market, as well as the Energy Commission’s efforts to invest research dollars to advance community-scale microgrids and renewables.