Felicia Marcus

‘But Wait, There’s More!’ Former State Water Board Chair Felicia Marcus Shares Optimism About Southern California’s Water Future


The California Department of Water Resources is forecasting a fourth dry year in a row. In this interview with VX News, Felicia Marcus, William C Landreth Fellow at Stanford University’s Water in the West and Former Chair of the State Water Resources Control Board, reviews some of the recent wins and losses in water regulation that the state has seen in face of serious drought conditions.

Felicia Marcus, Adel Hagekhalil & Fran Pavley on the Water, Clean Air, and Energy Nexus 


VX News links this Coalition for Clean Air panel on its 50th anniversary, on California's Water, Clean Air, and Energy Nexus.  Fmr. State Water Resources Control Board Chair, Felicia Marcus, fmr.

LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl Announces Stormwater Fee Framework At VX2017

Sheila Kuehl

At VerdeXchange 2017, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl announced her plans to introduce a motion to develop a countywide funding measure for stormwater capture and management.

Felicia Marcus on The Role of Water Data & California’s Conservation Efforts

Felicia Marcus, Chair of CA Water Resources Control Board

Last month, the White House Council on Environmental Quality partnered with the California State Water Resources Control Board and other agencies to launch the California Water Data Challenge. State Water Board Chair Felicia Marcus joined VX News to discuss the importance of leverage publicly available data to support creative solutions to California’s water challenges.

Droughts Require Imagination and Investment: Highlights from a VX2013 Panel on California’s Water Supply


VX2013 featured the panel “California’s Water Supply: Demand & Quality”, moderated by the State Water Resources Control Board’s Felicia Marcus. In the discussion, Paul Helliker (Deputy Director of the California Department of Water Resources), Phil Isenberg (Chair, Delta Stewardship Council), and Jeff Kightlinger (General Manager, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California) focus on the challenges of bringing water from Northern California to Southern California as that supply becomes less dependable with climate change. Coupled with vulnerable Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta infrastructure, Californians are due for serious capital investments to ensure the continued existence of a reliable water supply.