
State Water Board’s Laurel Firestone on Water’s New Normal—Chronic Scarcity

Laurel Firestone

VX News interviewed State Water Resources Control Board Member, Laurel Firestone, who provides insight on water managers across the state are working to adapt to the new normal of chronic water scarcity.

CalEPA’s Jared Blumenfeld on Grounding COVID Recovery in Climate Action

Jared Blumenfeld

California Environmental Protection Agency Secretary Jared Blumenfeld shares how his agency’s priorities have been impacted by the overlapping crises and continued federal antagonism to climate action. Secretary Blumenfeld reiterates Governor Newsom's commitment to ensuring safe and affordable rural drinking water supplies and opportunities to propel the state’s post-COVID economic recovery with clean jobs.

Felicia Marcus on The Role of Water Data & California’s Conservation Efforts

Felicia Marcus, Chair of CA Water Resources Control Board

Last month, the White House Council on Environmental Quality partnered with the California State Water Resources Control Board and other agencies to launch the California Water Data Challenge. State Water Board Chair Felicia Marcus joined VX News to discuss the importance of leverage publicly available data to support creative solutions to California’s water challenges.

SoCal Water Resilience Requires Groundwater to Be Prized as a Natural Resource

Rob Katherman

In the Southland, the Water Replenishment District of Southern California has an important ongoing task: to monitor and replenish the region’s supply of groundwater. Robert Katherman has served on the WRD Board for more than 10 years, overseeing the regulation of groundwater pumping and the collection of water for replenishment—which now requires increasing recycling and storm-water capture in order to decrease importation. He updates VX News on the strides made with WRD’s Water Independence Now Plan, as well as what still needs to be done.