
Richard Katz: LADWP’s New Board President on Priorities & Challenges

Richard Katz

New LADWP Board President Richard Katz shares his insights on the priorities and future direction of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), the challenges the department faces in ensuring infrastructure resilience, and his role in guiding the utility through an era of increasing environmental and technological pressures.

Ara Najarian on Burbank Airport’s Long-Awaited Replacement Passenger Terminal Project


Ara Najarian, recently elected as President of the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority (BGPAA), updates readers on the status of the  Hollywood Burbank Airport’s long-awaited, replacement passenger terminal project.

LA28: Looking Forward Towards LA in Five Years

Nancy Sutley

At a panel at CoMotionLA’s recent convening in Los Angeles, featured panelists discussed just what their ideal next five years for the city might look like. VX News provides an excerpt of the panelist’s comments, including those offered by: Nancy Sutley, LA’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Hilary Norton, Commissioner of the California Transport Commission, Nik Karalis, CEO of Woods Bagot, and John Rossant, CEO of CoMotion. Amongst the topics discussed are sustainability and housing policy challenges; the future of mobility; public safety; and an Olympics 2028 wish-list.